“Elf-Venture: A Race to Save Christmas” is a heartwarming tale that follows four lovable elves, Pixie, Trixie, Dixie, and Fixie, as they embark on a thrilling adventure to rescue Christmas from an unexpected villain. When a mischievous trickster manipulates the elves into believing they must travel to New York City to save the holiday, they set out on a journey filled with humor, excitement, and challenges. Along the way, these endearing characters must work together, using their unique skills and personalities, to thwart the villain’s plans and ensure that Christmas is celebrated with joy and magic. This enchanting story is a delightful blend of holiday spirit and friendship, making it a must-see for the entire family.
Show Dates
December 16 | 6pm
December 17 | 3pm
December 22 | 6pm
December 23 | 3pm
Children (10 & under) – $19.99
Adults – $34.99
Preferred – $39.99
Mezzanine – $44.99
Groups (10+) – $29.99
For group reservations, please contact Group Sales at GroupSales@VisitOWA.com or 251-923-3490.